Matthew 25:1-13 There are a couple of notes that I wanted to make on these verses as I reviewed them this morning. When the five foolish virgins solicit oil from the others, they are told instead to go and buy their oil, to which they in turn do. Confidence in their ability to buy whatever they needed was part of their false sense of secuirty, and indeed is a devil's trap to prevent real spiritual preparations. Man's ability to buy... what more shall I say about it? When the five foolish virgins return from their shopping, they plead at the door for their Lord to open. He doesn't turn them away for the oil that they purchased, but rather this stinging indictment: I know you not. The position that I am in right now has caused me to consider these verses very personally. Am I taking too much confidence in my own ability to buy at the very last moment the things which cannot be bought at all? Will I be worthy to wear the marriage garment, will my Lord know me?
“Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.” – 2 Nephi 32:3, The Book of Mormon